Traveling While Black (TWB) is an influential travel show and brand spearheaded by Marlie and Anthony Love. The couple explores a diverse array of destinations across the Pacific Northwest, the United States, and internationally, bringing light to unique stories and inspiring change to make travel more inclusive.

Their compelling weekly series evaluates and shares their experiences as Black travelers in new locations, serving as a contemporary guide and advocate for safe and welcoming travel environments.

Think of this show as a Modern Day Greenbook.

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Anthony and Marlie Love started Traveling While Black in October 2019. They started in the Seattle area and are now traveling the world.

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Anthony and Marlie have worked with The Drew Barrymore Show, Evening King 5, GSBA, the Space Needle, The Seattle Channel, Converge Media, Seattle Southside, and more. Email them at to work together!

Check out some of their recent episodes below.

Traveling While Black is a subsidiary of Chase The Dream Productions.